
Our Plant Swap Community

Indoor, Outdoor, Seeds, Supplies...

Swapping made simple, with easy location-based search and advanced filters on a modern,  user-friendly site!

To start swapping just create a listing, and it will show up on the map on our Listings Page.  Anyone can search for listings by location, category, or keywords, and members can respond via our website.  You can Register Here, and Create A Listing Here.

By the way – we’re pretty new.  We just launched in 2019 and we’re SO excited!  Check the map at the bottom of this page to see all the listings that are up already – and please help us fill in all the blank spots.

Note: members arrange their own exchanges (PlantSwap.org is not involved or responsible) so please make sure to use common sense, be safe, and comply with all applicable laws regarding the exchange or transportation of plants and/or supplies.


We're a brand new website dedicated to making the world a greener place. Please join us, and let's grow together!

But wait – there’s more! PlantSwap.org is not just for swaps.  We’re the green social network – a fully functional platform to connect, make friends, start groups, share events, and more.  Here’s what our members are up to:

Help Us Cover The Map!

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